SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '2828-148-1-471' for key 'PRIMARY'

While trying to reindex your store using the command line, you stumble on the following error:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '2828-148-1-471'  for key 'PRIMARY'

In the case of the product attribute indexer, this means there's a constraint error while saving a record to the catalog_product_index_eav_idx table.

How to find the product that is causing the issue:
2828-148-1-471 refers to:
  • product entity id: 2828
  • attribute id: 148
  • store id: 1
  • value: 471

The first solution to try would be to simply locate the product in your Magento backend and save it.  Once done, simply reindex your store from the command line and see if the problem occurs again.

The second one would be to delete the affected product followed by a full reindex.

In any cases, don't hesitate to open a ticket and have our team resolve that one.

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