From time to times, we must fix permissions on files and directory in order to secure an installation or to fix a broken one.
The process is quite straight forward and simple.
If you are hosted with us:
1) Log to your server using SSH
2) Execute the following software (it is installed with our servers):
If you are hosted on your own dedicated server
The process is quite straight forward and simple.
If you are hosted with us:
1) Log to your server using SSH
2) Execute the following software (it is installed with our servers):
If you are hosted on your own dedicated server
1) Log to your server using SSH
2) Point yourself in your Apache folder (at the root of your website)
3) Run those commands
And that's about it!
2) Point yourself in your Apache folder (at the root of your website)
3) Run those commands
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
chmod 550 pear
chmod 550 mage
And the last bit: QA!
4) Visit your Magento's install and see if everything still run smoothly
And that's about it!