Migrating your CMS from one server to another one

From time to time, you may need to push your CMS from your staging env to your production env.

This can be tedious if you have multiple custom pages done using Magento's CMS

Luckily, there is a two-steps solution that can fit the bill

For simplicity sake, we've used some generic username, password, hostname and database schema.  Simply adjust everything accordingly to your setups

Export process
1) log in to your origin server using SSH

2) execute the following:
mysqldump -uusername -ppassword -hhostname database cms_page cms_page_store cms_block cms_block_store | grep INSERT | sed 's/INSERT INTO/REPLACE INTO/g' > ~/cms-export.sql

3) transfer the dump to the destination server
scp ~/cms-export.sql username@destination-server:~/

Import process
1) log in to your destination server

2) execute the following:
mysql -uusername -ppassword -hhostname database < ~/cms-export.sql

3) Refresh the cache

4) QA!

Feel free to request our help if you want us to execute this task for you.
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