You may ease up the use of SSHing to your git repo by configuring your SSH. To do so, simply follow this quick HowTo:
1. Create a file using your prefered text editor (i.e. nano or vim) and paste the following in it:
For this HowTo and for simplicity sake, we'll use the following values:
GIT server: (replace this host with your GIT repo server - if it's not GitHub)
Key name: exemple.key
Username: git (it is always "git" when using GitHub and Stash)
So, the following block to paste is the following in the ~/.ssh/config file* (make sure to adjust the values accordingly to your setup):
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/exemple.key
* If the file doesn't exist, you may create it.
After adding the configuration you'll now be able to interact with your repo (i.e. git checkout to checkout your repo & git pull for pulling the code)
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