FileZilla Configuration

  1. Get your FTP user informations:
    1. From CPanel click on 'FTP Accounts'

    2. At the top of the page, you'll see the form to create new FTP accounts.

    3. Below this form, you also have the list of existing FTP accounts.
      This is also where you'll be able to modify an FTP account like changing its password.

  2. Launch FileZilla and click on the 'Site Manager' icon in the top left

  3. Create your new connection

    1. Click on the 'New Site' button
    2. Give it a name
    3. Enter your domain or IP for the 'Host'
    4. Select the 'Normal' logon type
    5. The user should be:
    6. Click on 'Connect'

  4. Once connected (1), you'll get a listing of the directories (2) and files (3) on your ftp server.

For more details on how to use FileZilla once connected, have a look at this article.
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