What is a nameserver?

What is a nameserver?

In their simplest form, nameservers match domain names to IP addresses. When a visitor types a URL into his or her browser, the computer will ask a nameserver for the IP address that corresponds to the domain name he or she specified. Once the visitor's computer has this information, the browser will be able to access the website he or she requested.

You will need nameservers in order to share your server's domain names and IP addresses with the Internet. Without nameservers, potential visitors will be unable to access your server and its websites.

Nameservers also share information with other nameservers, allowing visitors to quickly and efficiently access websites that are hosted by your server. This concept is called propagation. When you first set up a website, its DNS information will take a few days to propagate across the Internet, meaning that potential visitors in some locations will be temporarily unable to access the website.

Use the following nameservers in order to manage it with us.




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