HowTo use imapsync

What is imapsync
Imapsync is used to migrate IMAP accounts (Transfer or synchronize data between two IMAP servers). Imapsync is really helpful if you are migrating the emails to another server or if you decided to combine two email accounts into one..

HowTo use it
The tool is already installed on our servers.  So you only need to run the following command (please adapt it to your needs):
imapsync --host1 --user1 --password1 123456 --host2 --user2 --password2 123456

First step is to login to your shell.

In the case that we simply want to migrate or re-sync a mailbox from the previous server to the new one:
1) Replace "" with the current email
2) Replace "" with the origin
3) Replace "" with the destination
4) Replace "123456" with the real password
5) Run the command

In the case that we want to combine or re-sync two mailboxes into a singl;e mailbox:
1) Replace "" of the "--user1" flag with the origine email
2) Replace "" of the "--user2" flag with the origine email
3) Replace "" and "" with the server name.
4) Replace "123456" of "--password1" with the real password of the soon-to-be-closed email account
5) Replace "123456" of "--password2" with the real password of the receiving account
6) run the command

Feel free to contact our specialist if you require assistance.
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